Hurricane Re-Entry Pass Application 2025
Passes issued since 2020 are valid through the end of 2025.
Application for Residents and Long-term Renters
Who can apply?
- New property owners/long-term renters
- Property owners/long-term renters that have not received new passes since January 2020. You should apply for new ones as soon as possible, as old ones are no longer valid.
Residents and Long-term Renters can complete the form above online to receive a new or replacement pass. Once you complete the form, your application will be reviewed, and if approved, a pass will be mailed to you. If you would like to complete the form in-person to receive same-day pass approval and issuance, please visit the Town Hall during normal business hours.
Please complete and return the Property Manager re-entry pass application in person or by mail.
Purpose of the Re-Entry Pass
The purpose of the “re-entry pass” is to allow property owners and long term renters swift re-entry to the Town of North Topsail Beach after a disaster event so that individuals can check their property and gather belongings, if necessary. This pass helps limit the number of people in the Town so that public safety personnel can effectively protect property and the public from hazards that may still be present after a disaster and so that the damage assessment team can perform its duties.
When is a Pass Needed?
Emergency responders will assess the conditions of the Town after an event, and Town officials will determine when conditions are safe enough for re-entry. There are three priority groups that are considered during re-entry. They are:
- Priority One Group
- Essential personnel for law enforcement, public officials, emergency medical services, fire services, utilities, and damage assessment teams.
- Priority Two Group
- Re-entry pass needed if officials determine limited access is warranted. Property owners, long-term renters, and property managers who are eligible for a re-entry pass.
- Priority Three Group
- Visitors and general public, including contractors.
Please bear in mind that several hazards may exist after an event such as downed cable and power lines, dune breaches, and debris that can make roads within the Town impassable. It may be necessary to limit access to one end of the Town and not the other. Curfews are likely to be in place if pass only re-entry is in effect.
Also, the other two towns on Topsail Island (Surf City and Topsail Beach) may choose to allow property owners or the public onto the island before the Town of North Topsail Beach. The media may confuse North Topsail Beach and Topsail Beach.
The Town recommends that property owners get their information directly from Town officials by checking the Town’s website, Facebook, and registering for CodeRed.
Who gets a pass?
Each property owner with proof of residency (current utility bill with NTB address/tax bill) receives TWO re-entry passes. Each long-term renter with proof of residency (current utility bill with NTB address), and current lease will receive TWO re-entry passes. Please place the pass on your dashboard at the bottom on the driver’s side so they are visible to public safety personnel.
When can I get a pass?
The Town encourages everyone to get their passes as early as possible, preferably before hurricane season begins (June 1st). If the storm is on its way, it’s too late to get a pass. The Town will not issue passes within 72 hours of predicted landfall. Passes are issued at Town Hall Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Lost Passes
Lost passes can be replaced with proof of residency, and $25 for each replacement pass. Please fill out and re-submit the re-entry pass application.