Board of Aldermen Committees
Beach Inlet Sound Advisory Committee (BISAC)
Meets monthly. The Beach, Inlet, and Sound Advisory Committee vision is to advise and provide direction and recommendations on shoreline protection and environmental matters to the North Topsail Beach, Board of Alderman according to the BISAC Charter.
Capital Improvement Projects Committee
Meets on an as needed basis with the Town Manager to review planned and current capital projects.
Parking Committee
Meets pre and post beach season to review the contract with the Town’s Parking Contractor, Town Manager and Police Chief to make recommendations to the Board of Aldermen.
Parks & Recreation Committee
Inactive and actively seeking applications. Committee meets with the Town Manager as needed.
Revetment Committee
Meets on as needed basis. The creation of this committee was mandated by a settlement agreement with the original litigants/property owners and the Town.
Chamber of Commerce
Attends monthly meetings of the Chamber of Commerce
Joann McDermon (Primary)
Laura Olszewski (Alternate)
North Carolina Beach, Inlet, and Waterway Association Board of Directors (NCBIWA)
Serves on the NCBIWA Board and attends all meetings of their board and participates in the Spring and Fall conference.
NCBIWA’s purpose is to:
- Educate elected officials and the public on the importance of beach renourishment and coastal preservation, sustainability and resiliency through the information presented at our annual meetings and conferences and;
- Advocate on behalf of our members on the Local, State and Federal levels to promote funding for coastal infrastructure including beach renourishment, storm damage mitigation and;
- Encourage the use of science and technology to advance coastal research by governmental and non-governmental organizations and;
- Promote the routine maintenance of federal navigation channels, including the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, and the proper best use of coastal sediment: better known as Beneficial Use of Dredged Material (BUDM).
ONWASA Board of Directors
Attends monthly ONWASA board meetings to represent North Topsail Beach.
Richard Grant (Primary)
Joann McDermon (Alternate)
Onslow County Board of Commissioners Liaison
Attends Onslow County Board meetings to represent North Topsail Beach.
Richard Grant (Primary)
Laura Olszewski (Alternate)
Jacksonville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (JUMPO)
Attends monthly meetings to represent North Topsail Beach as part of the Transportation Advisory Committee.
Jacksonville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Advisory Committee’s purpose is:
- To serve as a forum for cooperative transportation planning decision-making for the MPO.
- To keep the policy boards informed of the status and requirements of the transportation planning process.
- To assist in the dissemination and clarification of the decisions, inclinations, and policies of the policy boards.
- To ensure meaningful citizen participation in the transportation planning process.
Laura Olszewski (Primary)
Connie Pletl (Alternate)
Topsail Island Shoreline Protection Commission (TISPC)
Attends monthly meetings along with the Town Manager.
TISPC’s purpose is:
- To educate our property owners regarding beach nourishment and the NC Beach & Inlet Management Plan.
- To support and promote funding at the Federal, State, County, and local levels for beach nourishment and storm protection of our shoreline.
- Encourage maintenance of dunes through sound vegetation management practices on our beaches.
- To promote the routine maintenance of area historical and federal navigation channels, including the Atlantic Intracoastal Water Way, and the placement of appropriate corresponding dredge spoils on our beaches.
- To promote the maintenance and restoration of nesting habitat for birds and endangered sea turtles.
Camp Lejeune Liaison
Attend meetings hosted by Camp Lejeune throughout the year and participate in the annual Onslow County Elected Officials gathering.
Coastal Resources Commission (CRC)
Attend meetings of the CRC as scheduled.
The CRC establishes policies for the N.C. Coastal Management Program and adopts rules for both CAMA and the N.C. Dredge and Fill Act. The commission designates areas of environmental concern, adopts rules and policies for coastal development within those areas, and certifies local land use plans.
Connie Pletl (Primary)
Richard Grant (Alternate)
USACE Shallow Draft Inlet EIS
Meets monthly along with the Town Manager.
State & Federal Representatives Liaison
Serves as the Town’s leads for communications and matters involving regarding state and federal matters.
Check Signers
Internal Town administrative function.