PTC #8 Northern Shoreline Dune Project
Potential Tropical Cyclone #8 is the unnamed storm that occurred on September 16, 2024, which caused dune erosion mostly in Phases 1-3 on North Topsail Beach. The Town immediately requested a post storm survey from our engineers.
September, 2024 – March, 2025: Onslow County was included in Governor Cooper’s State of Emergency and work commenced with project preparation and to complete the Request for Public Assistance. Meetings with FEMA and State have occurred weekly and are still on-going while consideration is underway for funds to be obligated. On March 19, 2025, the Board of Aldermen held a special meeting to approve a contract to proceed with work and to haul and place an estimated 61,000 Cubic Yards of Dune Fill (sand) in the amount of $2,937,000.00. The contract with the contractor is pending with work anticipated to start in April 2025. The contractor will be accessing the beach at the Jenkins Way beach access.