
Program for Public Information

About the Program

In support of the Town's Community Rating System (CRS) participation, the Board of Aldermen appointed the Planning Board members, local insurance agents and a local lender as founding members of the Program for Public Information (PPI) Committee on March 5, 2015.

The purpose is the PPI is to improve communication with citizens, and to provide information about flood hazards, flood safety, flood insurance and ways to protect property and natural floodplain functions.

The buttons at the top of this page list the Town's 10 priority floodplain management topics and contain detailed information on the flood protection messages conveyed in outreach projects covered under the Town's Program for Public Information.

The Town had a NFIP workshop on July 28, 2016. View the NFIP BASICS FOR COASTAL AREAS: North Topsail Beach Information Seminar Presentation.

Map Information Service

The Town of North Topsail Beach Planning Department provides flood information services for the corporate limits of North Topsail Beach and assistance with the preparation or copies of Elevation Certificates/Letter of Map Amendments/Letter of Map Revisions. Town staff provides information about the local flood hazard and about flood-prone areas that need special protection because of their natural functions, such as:

  • Basic Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Information found on a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) that is needed to write a flood insurance policy. Digital maps are available to determine if properties are located within the Special Flood Hazard areas.
  • Additional FIRM information that is shown on most FIRMs, such as protected coastal barriers (CBRS), floodways, or lines demarcating wave action (LiMWA).
  • Problems not shown on the FIRM such as, areas predicted to be flooded in the future because of climate change or sea level rise and local drainage problems.
  • Flood Depth Data from a State Website that predicts that flood depth based on the hazard area designation.
  • Special flood-related hazards information about special flood-related hazards, such as erosion, King Tides or hurricanes.
  • Historical Flood Information about past flooding at or near the site in question. We have many resources that list historic flood events thoughout the Town.  We also have information on specific area that have had repetitive flooding and can provide you with information specifically for property located within one of the repetitive flood areas.
  • Natural Floodplain Functions if a property is located within or near a natural or protected floodplain area and what the potentional impact could be to the the surrounding area.

The Town of North Topsail Beach is concerned about flooding and provides these services to help protect property and citizens.  Additional information on related topics, such as permit requirements. Please do not hesitate to call, email or visit if you need additional information on related topics, such as permit requirements.